Aug 4, 2013

NYC Marathon Training - Advanced Plan, Week 3 Recap

My Training
4 Flex Day
43 Bike
6 Tempo
6 Tempo
7 Regular
9.5 Regular
4 Hills 7 Regular
12 Long Run
13 Long Run
41 Run/43 Bike

90 Days to go. This week the mileage ticked up a notch to 41. I also decided to make my cross-training day a little more strenuous with a 43 mile ride on Monday. Wednesday was a lifesaver for my tired legs. No more of those for a while.

I'm finding that I look forward to the two-a-days I'm doing twice each week. It gives me time to run an easy 2 or 3 with my son and also keep my legs going with some additional mileage. I think a big part of the marathon preparation is learning to run on tired legs.

The hill repeats and the long run today were the two toughest days of the week. The hills test your short term toughness and the long run tests your endurance and mental fortitude. Both will help me become a better runner at any distance.

I need to develop a strategy for refueling on the run. Up until now, I haven't really needed to think about food and water too much. Today's almost 2-hour run reminded me that it is really important to take care of yourself. I experienced a few muscle cramps towards the end that I could have avoided. Nothing like daggers in your quads at mile 11 to remind you to be smart.

I've used Gu before, but I'm looking forward to giving the Sport Beans a try. I just have a difficult time choking down the pasty Gu product. Jelly Belly, if you need a product tester, just hit me up. Honey Stinger chews are also supposed to be pretty good, so I'm sure I'll find something that works.

Best of luck in your training efforts this coming week. Let me know if you've found a good strategy for refueling on the run.

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