Aug 2, 2013

5 Tricks for Increasing Weekly Mileage

I've been increasing my mileage in preparation for the NYC Marathon this fall. I know many runners that have set goals to increase their mileage but have failed to do so. So, I decided to share a few strategies that have helped me sneak in the miles during the base building phase of training.

1. Run Twice - You'd be surprised how much the body recovers over the course of the day. Try a morning run followed by a late afternoon run. You'll want to give your body at least 4-5 hours to recover between runs.

2. Run Early - It isn't easy to get up in the morning unless you are an early bird, but the benefits may convince you to set your alarm for those quiet hours. You'll find you have more energy than you do at the end of the day and you'll enjoy a safer run on empty roads in most communities.

3. Run with Friends or Family - This is my personal favorite. I run in the morning and then do a nice easy run in the afternoon with a family member. It's a chance to connect with family and add some easy mileage.

4. Keep a Training Log - I use a few online tools to track my mileage and performance. But, even a notebook would suffice. The point of tracking your mileage is to learn what works for you and track your growth as a runner. It helps motivate me when I start to waiver.

5. Share Your Accomplishments - Use social networks online and talk about your running plans and accomplishments with those kind enough to listen. Usually other runners will endure your stories about almost anything if you'll listen to theirs in return. If you have an audience or a support group your goals become more authentic and you'll be inspired to reach them.

Best of luck in your efforts to reach your goal this week! Do you have any strategies that you'd like to share?

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